Rural Philanthropy in Washington
This is the fourth of a series of four field studies from the Rural Philanthropic Analysis Project (RPAP) here at Campbell University in Buies Creek, North Carolina. The regions selected—eastern New Hampshire/southern Maine; eastern Washington; northeast Iowa and rural New Mexico—were included in the studies in recognition of the important local funder commitments to those places. This report focuses on work in Washington.
These studies represent a powerful collection of stories and lessons to inform the practice of rural philanthropy. Importantly, they document how philanthropy and community can work closely together in respectful and forward-looking ways towards supporting rural vitality.
The field studies were developed from work conducted in summer and fall of 2018 by the team of Betsey Russell (Word Play LLC), Kim Moore (retired President of United Methodist Health Ministry Fund) and Shawn Poynter, photographer. The four reports represent distinctive regional and cultural differences engaged with differing intentional rural philanthropic responses.
Our Central Aim
The central aim of the Rural Philanthropic Analysis (RPA) project is to better understand rural places and funding practices that are leading the way towards health improvement in rural regions across the country. We believe that this effort will help facilitate more – and more effective – investments by funders of all types and sizes. Support for the RPA is being provided in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.*Download the Washington Report
* The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.